Dear RHN neighbors and friends,
As we all shelter-in-place during this extraordinary time, we are so grateful to be part of a very special community that continues to support each other as has been our tradition since 1981. This brief message is intended to update you on RHN’s operations in the weeks ahead.
All RHN sponsored events including in-person committee meetings, Book Club, Cheers, and other social events are currently postponed or cancelled. If there is a reason for a group or committee to transact business, a conference call may be considered. We have also decided to postpone our Annual Meeting at this time. Although it was not scheduled to take place until early May, the preparations that need to be made require a long lead time. Under the current circumstances, we believe those efforts should be deferred until there is more certainty about how long the shelter-in-place order and other measures will last.
The RHN website will be updated as needed. Should you wish to contact an RHN Officer, Board member or Committee Chair, you can do so via the email addresses listed on the website at
We encourage us all to check on neighbors via phone or email, especially any who live alone and may be in one of the groups identified as especially vulnerable at this time.
Our merchant members are particularly impacted by the current circumstances. It has been suggested, and we heartily endorse the idea, that we consider purchasing gift cards from those merchants to provide revenue now with the idea of redeeming them in the future. Here are our merchant members.
We have learned of a number of community efforts aimed to lift our spirits and bring us together while maintaining social distancing. Here is a link to one suggested by SF’s Neighborhood Empowerment Network:
There are many websites offering information about services and resources being provided by the City. If you have not already done so, you may wish to sign up to receive those notifications. Useful information can be found on the website of the SF Dept of Public Health here.
We know that you join us in expressing deep gratitude to our first responders, health care workers and public servants who will be working to keep us safe in the days ahead. “Let’s fight this disease together by being apart.” (Source unknown.)