AT&T Sidewalk Boxes: There have been no new developments since RHN
defeated the box proposed for the base of the “Crookedest Street” this
Spring. If any neighbors receive notices of proposed boxes in their block,
please let RHN / DZLU know immediately!
Francisco Reservoir: Fundraising and plan development continue.
1045-1061 Broadway Trees: In 2006, RHN appealed several Broadway
neighbors’ permits to remove strong mature trees. The new hearing at the
San Francisco Board of Appeals is scheduled on October 29, 2014. RHN
still plans to resist having these trees removed. However, IF the removal of
these trees is upheld, our plan is to condition that they are replaced with
48”sized tree boxes and that an underground watering system be installed
to keep the trees alive and flourishing.
Macondray Lane Stairs: The wooden stairs at the Taylor Street end of
Macondray Lane continue to deteriorate and the City has been insistent
that the abutting neighbor continue to be financially responsible and
liable for maintaining these publicly used stairs (that are not on or
accessible from his property). DZLU continues to work with DPW to find a
solution to this issue, which may include bringing the stairs up to code for
transfer to the City’s responsibility. If this becomes feasible, possible fund
raising efforts may be considered.
Short Term Rentals: DZLU is following David Chiu’s legislation regarding
short term rentals (AirBNB-type rentals) in San Francisco. The Planning
Department will be tasked with enforcement. Among other things, the
legislation would require private residence hosts are in residence at least
275 days/year, cannot charge more than they pay in rent, must keep
records for at least two years, and must pay SF Hotel Taxes.
1137 Green Street: There is continued concern about the raw shiny
conduits on the historic wall. However after writing to the Green Street
neighbor, DZLU received a response that “everything was done up to
code”. DZLU is considering whether to work on this further.
1338 Filbert Cottages: More concrete was poured, plumbing installed and
finish work on exterior walls; However, the project is so complex that it may
not be completed until 2016.
1111-1133 Green Street: The complaints of noise and disturbances
continue at this location. The RHN Board is dealing pursuing this with the
Police and DBI for possible code violations, and is not asking DZLU to take
Roof Deck Policy:
DZLU is looking into developing a policy regarding roof decks in our
neighborhood. In the past, we have received complaints of abuses of
height limits and the installations of complete kitchens, complete living
rooms, high blocking walls, etc. We will research the permit process to see
if there is adequate opportunity for neighborhood input through the
planning process prior to the issuance of permits. We will be consulting
with two other neighborhood groups that are also concerned about this
issue. Please let us know if you have any information you would like to
share on the subject.
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