The RHN DZLU Committee met on Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Some of the projects discussed, include:
Having met with the project sponsors in June, DZLU agreed to meet with project opponents in July, consistent with DZLU’s policy to hear from opposite sides of land-use issues.
The four presenters, sharing the concerns of over thirty neighbors, introduced themselves and distributed a well-prepared binder explaining the formation of the Vallejo Crest Historic District and the architectural and historic values of its contributors, including 1023 Vallejo Street. Many of the neighbors have lived on the Vallejo Crest for years, some generationally. They advised that 1023 Vallejo is the first building in the historic district proposing a dramatic expansion, including a vertical addition. Julia Morgan had designed the structure in 1917, and the 1927 and 1930 additions, retaining the “stepping down the hill” design, to complement the sloping hillside and landscape.
The presenters referenced the HRE (Historic Resource Evaluation) commissioned and submitted to SF Planning by the project sponsors. This document was prepared by Page & Turnbull, Historic Preservation Architects; it evaluates the significance of this property historically and as it exists. It is expected to influence how the approval process will be handled by the Planning Department. The HRE will likely trigger further analysis to evaluate the impacts of the proposed remodel on the historic resource, which may even lead to requiring an EIR (Environmental Impact Report).
The extent of the planned development was discussed, including that a variance would be required due to the rear yard setback and lot coverage. The most significant element of concern seems to be the added upper floor on a current roof. The neighbors feel that this would be inconsistent with the Secretary of Interior standards and guidelines. Not only were the impacts of the proposed addition to 1023 Vallejo expressed, but also the potential impacts on the other nearby contributors; there is fear that the views looking towards the Historic District from the public rights-of-way may be compromised by the new structure. The presenters were also concerned that allowing such a remodel would establish a precedent detrimental to other historic landmarks. The neighbors expressed a willingness to work with the property owners to find alternatives that follow the Secretary of the Interior’s guidelines and protect the historic district while meeting their needs.
Because this is such a complex issue and since the Vallejo Crest Historic District as well as the needs of our residents are important to RHN, DZLU will require more information, including further historical and architectural analysis, up-dates from Planning, etc. before deliberating and making any recommendations to the Board.
At our June meeting, the owners of 1023 Vallejo Street had kindly invited DZLU to see the site, and we await a rescheduled date to do so. It is hoped that the anticipated site visit will help clarify the issues.
In the limited remaining time, we briefly discussed:
1281-1284 Greenwich Street driveway encroachment and promised landscaping as well as its rear yard setback variance hearing scheduled for Wednesday 07-27-2016 AT 9:30 am
Enjoyed the report and action of your committee. As long time resident of hill would like to participate if I can help. Concerns are the 6/8 projects at Market and van Ness and lack of cumulative impact analysis?
Thanks for your post. I have forwarded to Richard Cardello, DZLU chair.