DATE/TIME: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 7:00PM
Unanimous thanks were given to Richard for his superb leadership of DZLU these past five years and to Bob for agreeing to serve as new chair.
- General—Project Conformance with Approved Plans: Concerns have been expressed about over-the-counter permits, projects built without approval, projects alleged to exceed approved heights, and those undertaking excessive demolition beyond that anticipated at permit approval. Discussion began about monitoring strategy and City enforcement. What would be a reasonable process to follow especially if someone seeks RHN’s support on a project. Perhaps we need to make our approval contingent on their providing a compliance report, or continuing to keep us informed in writing of any changes, and/or establish a mechanism to inform Planning.
- General—Large Home Expansions and Affordability: Recent real estate listings prompted discussion of impact of large expansions on affordability and provision of family friendly housing. This may be touched on in pending creation of Russian Hill Land Use and Development Guidelines.
- Greenwich Cottages: Cottages A & D are nearing completion and are expected to be on market in June. Finishes are impressive and the landscaping is being done very well. Realtors are preparing marketing materials.
- San Francisco Urban Design Guidelines: At recent community presentations many expressed concern that the guidelines were not sufficiently tailored to the unique qualities of individual neighborhoods. Suggestions included having Planning work with interested neighborhood groups on neighborhood-specific guidelines as a companion document to the more generalized Urban Design Guidelines. There was also concern among neighbors attending that Planners were designing for mixed residential and commercial areas, and some questioned the need for new guidelines beyond the existing Residential Design Guidelines. Comments on current draft are due May 30. DZLU drafted a comment letter for submission to the Board. Another draft of the guidelines will be released in June with potential Planning Commission action in late July.
- Undergrounding Utilities: The work to seek support continues. SFCCU met separately with the deputy fire chief and with Supervisor Hillary Ronen. Supervisor Ronen has given her endorsement.
- Wireless Antennae on Wooden Poles: Adjacent homeowner is appealing the permit for proposed equipment on a wooden pole at 2215 Leavenworth, adjacent to her residence. She will circulate her letter to DZLU so that committee members have information to present at the hearing, and so that a new letter can be created from RHN. The Board of Permit Appeals hearing is scheduled for July 12th at 5:00 pm at City Hall, Room 416. Besides several DZLU members, all others who can are encouraged to also attend and speak. A DZLU representative will reach out to members of the Board of Appeals on the general process for such appeals. In addition, yet another facility for a wooden pole at 2201 Leavenworth was approved by DPW just two days after that at 2215 Leavenworth. ExteNet maintained to Planning that there is no other suitable location in the neighborhood for this wireless facility. There are many issues with these applications: i.e., the CEQA review is two years old, the insurance has expired, the photo simulation is incorrect. What are RHN’s options? Public view and aesthetic impacts are the key elements to argue.
- 928 Green Street: Variance hearing was held on 4/26 on work completed after-the-fact. Resolution not known at time of this meeting.
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