Dear Members, Merchants and Friends,
As we listen to our fellow Russian Hill residents, we repeatedly hear your deep concerns over two important issues: Increased Safety and Cleaner Streets.
We ask you to join us in addressing these by: (1) responding to the Street Cleaning Survey recently emailed to all Members and Friends for whom we have a current email address; (2) by attending our April 19th Annual Meeting at the San Francisco Art Institute which will focus on Safety.
Under the leadership of Greg Polchow and a loyal and hard-working cadre of volunteers, RHN’s Neighborhood Improvement Committee has done a yeoman’s job of addressing the condition of our streets with regular Saturday Street Sweeps. You may have seen them in their neon-colored vests, broom in hand. However, it has become clear over the past two years that this commendable activity is like swimming against the tide. Russian Hill is one of the few neighborhoods that does not have regular mechanical street cleaning. In addition to our steep hills and limited street parking, there has been over the years a resistance among some residents to embrace this service. Given the current level of grime and debris we experience every day in our neighborhood, RHN believes it is time to reassess the situation and we need to hear from you! You should have recently received a brief survey from RHN by email. If you have not already done so, please respond promptly with your thoughts and suggestions. There may not be a “one size fits all” solution. But continuing to just put up with this state of affairs does not seem to be productive.
For our Annual Membership Meeting, past RHN President and current Safety Chair Tina Moylan is organizing a powerful panel of law enforcement and public officials to discuss the current level of crime in our City and our neighborhood, what measures are being taken to address them, and how we can participate in our own personal safety. The Annual Membership Meeting is also an opportunity for RHN Members to socialize before the meeting and to participate in a brief RHN business meeting prior to the Keynote Panel. See you there!
If you indicated on your Membership Form an interest in joining a committee, you should have received or will soon receive a phone call of email from that committee’s chair. Thank you for volunteering and we look forward to your participation.
Continued thanks to all of our New and Renewing Members!
The RHN Executive Committee
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