DZLU MEETING DATE: Jan. 21, 2025 1. ONGOING POLICY UPDATES a. Rezoning Status No news to report as there has not yet been an update from SF
DZLU November
DATE/TIME: Nov. 19, 2024 1. ONGOING PROJECT UPDATES a. 906 Broadway—“The Melody” proposal at Guadalupe Church Presentation by Taylor Jordan of
DZLU October
DZLU MEETING DATE: Oct. 22, 2024 ONGOING PROJECT UPDATES a. 906 Broadway - “The Melody” proposal at Guadalupe
DZLU September
DZLU MEETING DATE: Sept 17, 2024 1. ONGOING PROJECT UPDATES a. SF Art Institute: S.F. Art Institute’s new owners select architect to modernize its
September Sweep!
We can’t tell you how much we appreciate all you do to be the BEST neighbors! We hope you all had fun at our RHN Clean Up and Smile September
Ban Toxic Cigarette Filters
We continue efforts in coordination with other local non-profits to ban cigarette filters-which contain tiny plastic fibers — and are the most common
Garbage Cans
We lobbied successfully for installation of 7 additional trash cans on the south-eastern end of Russian Hill.
Mechanical Street Sweeping
Given the ever-increasing litter and leaves marring our gutters, we are thrilled to report that we’ve successfully lobbied for mechanical street
Clean Up and Smile Anniversary
We celebrate our 2nd Anniversary this August 2024! In the past two years, we’ve hosted 20 CLEAN UP AND SMILE events, with 270 volunteers, collecting